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You Can Do WHAT With Birth Charts?!

Writer's picture: Katharina TinklKatharina Tinkl

I tend to be quite sceptical of stuff, and I like to look at things from different points of view (see my recent blog post Time to Get Off Your Moral High Horse on that, if you like).


Give me a perspective, and I almost can’t help wanting to look at things from an opposing angle. 


Call me a living and walking antithesis, the devil’s advocate or a pain in the butt, up to you.


I don’t subscribe to one way of thinking or living, whether it’s a spiritual practice by guru XYZ or a particular diet that claims to be the healthiest of them all.


My approach is more a “There is probably some truth to it, but not to all of it.”


And when a cultural narrative becomes especially trendy (for example, EVERYBODY suddenly talking about Human Design), I get very cautious.


(Always good to ask yourself: “Whom does that narrative serve?”)


And when it comes to finding the big answers in life, I particularly don’t like to follow any one concept, be it Ayurveda, yoga, Human Design, or something else. I like all these things, but I don’t make them my gospel.


Or take astrology as another example.


Most people know their sun sign (“I'm a Cancer!”, “I'm a Virgo!”, “I'm a Leo!”, and so on), and who doesn’t like to take the occasional glance at their horoscope every now and then?


But, at the end of the day, I believe we already carry all our answers within ourselves and don’t need external concepts. Sure, sure, they can be fun and helpful. But we don't need 'em.


As you can probably sense, I am not a big fan of following (someone else’s) systems.  


(A good friend once told me: “All systems fail.” I leave you to ponder that one.)


All that might also just be the Manifestor in me speaking… (See, as I said, there is something useful in all these concepts, in this case, Human Design, but that doesn’t mean I fully subscribe to them 100 %, no questions asked. Always ask questions, always.)


I’ve talked about this at great length with my friend and sunshine in human form, Carolina Jakobi, an astrology and Human Design expert. And she very kindly and patiently endures my constant critical (but equally curious – hey, I am still open-minded, you know) questions on these matters.


So, one day last December, we were sitting in a café in Southern Germany and talked astrology. Over a chai latte that took forever because the café had a veeeery sloooow milk-heating machine, I had the pleasure of Carolina giving me a reading of my birth chart.


But let’s be honest here: The main thing I wanted to know was how MY birth chart related to the birth chart of A MAN I had/have feelings for (complex story, not one to share, really. I merely mentioned it to make you curious. Worked, didn’t it?)


Did you know you can put birth charts ON TOP of each other (a bit like putting a Barbie and Ken doll together and making them kiss) to see the relationship with the other person through an astrological lens?!  


Maybe you already knew that, but I didn’t. And let me tell you, what Carolina told me was soooooo fascinating! And even sceptical, critical little me was hooked.


If there is ONE person in the world I could listen to for hours talking about astrology, it’s Carolina. That woman just has a natural gift for bringing across these topics in a relatable and fun way that leaves even the biggest sceptic like me enchanted.


Which is why I also bought her fresh new online course “Astrologie Direkt Er-Leben” (sorry, my English-speaking friends, this one's in German).


In this course, Carolina teaches all the basics of understanding your birth chart, the houses, the planets, and so on. (Translates to: "Soon, I will be able to analyse any future partner through the lens of astrology all by myself, muahahaha!")


So, if you also wanna learn more about astrology in bite-sized, fun and easy-to-understand videos, Carolina is your gal. There’ll also be regular live calls with her, where you can ask her all your questions (astrology-related, of course!), too.


Click the link, and become your own astrology wiz:  





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