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Writer's pictureKatharina Tinkl

Last year or the year before, I watched a video by Lukas Becker, in which he shared his position on a controversial topic in the spiritual scene. 


And what struck me was his skill to offer a truly differentiated perspective on the subject – something I immensely value in people. 


My favourite people, in whose presence my heart goes wide open, are those with whom I can look at a topic from different angles – without taboos, anyone holding on to opinions for dear life, or someone getting their knickers in a twist. 


But it kind of also seems to be in our nature to feel personally threatened when someone doesn’t share our world view. 


(Jonathan Haidt actually has done some illuminating work on this. Though last thing I heard, he’s kinda controversial now, too.)


It’s a phenomenon we could very well observe over the last few years, especially during 2020–2023ish, when certain topics managed to blow entire families and friendships wide apart. Because these topics were emotionally charged to the max. 


And there’s certainly no shortage of those kinds of topics today either.


Shall I dare name but a few?


Okay, let’s see…


One of the current wars.

Climate change.

Veganism vs. eating meat. 

The LGTBQ+ movement.

Certain injections...


The list goes on.


You take your pick of the above and see which one has your emotions spike and go “ding, ding, ding” like the bell of the funfair game High Striker after someone slammed down hard on its lever at the bottom. 


If you can feel your blood boiling over the possibility that someone has a different view from you on one of the hot topics above, it simply means you’re human.


But it’s also an invitation to realise that you’re more than that.  

Being able to rotate her neck 270 degrees, White Owl from my The Return of the White Animals Oracle, for example, is a master of looking at issues from different angles. 


She reminds you that every single point of view, whether it's your own or someone else’s, is just that: one point of many. 


As humans, we often believe we are right and someone else is wrong. 


Because, naturally, our own perspectives make the most sense to us.


But the same applies to everyone else, too. 


We all have reasons for our beliefs and convictions, and those reasons are as manifold as our opinions.  

So ask yourself: 


Where am I convinced I am right about something? 


Where do I believe I know better than someone else?  


Where do I feel I have the moral high ground? 


Practise humility when it comes to your points of view, and remember that, at the end of the day, we are all souls walking on this Earth.  

When you look down at the world from atop your moral high horse, White Owl invites you to expand your consciousness and reassume a critical distance from your own way of thinking.  

Try to see through the eyes of someone who looks at the world differently.


If White Owl’s message resonates with you and you’d like to invite the wisdom of her and 40+ other White Animals into your life, you can get your copy of The Return of the White Animals Oracle here:




Katharina and the White Animals 




If you’re wondering what controversial topic Lukas talked about in his video, hop over to his (German) YouTube channel Die Neue Erde, and search for “Meine Positionierung zu William Toel” to find out.  


Writer's pictureKatharina Tinkl

*Especially helpful for the holiday season*

Mirko Betz once said in a (German) interview with Felix van Frieden something along the lines of

“If you think you are enlightened, spend some time with your family.” (Translated by moi.)

Hands up who can relate!

It certainly is true for me.

Somehow, our families just manage to push our buttons like no one else.

It’s like they have an entire remote control with buttons that have your name on them.

For me, that’s especially true with my brother.

He used to REALLY PUSH my buttons. Like big time.


He would drive me up the wall as soon as he started speaking.

It frustrated the hell out of me.

Until I came across some invaluable nuggets of wisdom thanks to the author and former horse trainer Ren Hurst:

1. If you have a strong emotional reaction to something, it means you are being triggered.

2. Your triggers are your responsibility and no one else’s.

3. Each trigger is an enormous learning opportunity for your soul growth.

This, hands down, might have been the most empowering thing I’ve ever heard.

And it’s also what White Hedgehog from my The Return of the White Animals oracle is all about – with his pokey little spikes, representing all the things that might push your buttons.

Here’s what I wrote about him in the guidebook accompanying the oracle:

“When you have a strong emotional reaction to something, you can be sure you are being triggered.

It might feel like someone else is doing something to you and as if you are the victim of that situation.

But White Hedgehog is here to remind you that your triggers are your responsibility and no one else’s.

They are a reflection of your old wounds that wish to be healed.

White Hedgehog invites you to welcome any triggers coming your way as powerful learning opportunities and inspect them with the utmost curiosity and gratitude.

Flipping the switch from a victim mentality to accountability may be the most empowering thing you will ever do.”

If you are ready to dissolve your triggers and work more deeply with White Hedgehog and 40 + other lovingly illustrated White Animals, order your copy of The Return of the White Animals now:

Or do you need a last-minute Christmas gift?

It obviously won't get to you in time for Christmas (since today is the 24th of December), but you could always write the person a voucher for an oracle deck and give it to them later. Still an excellent present in my eyes, if you ask me.

Love and Merry trigger-embracing Christmas,


Writer's pictureKatharina Tinkl

Let me tell you the story of the green apple.


When I was a teenager, we analysed job adverts in high school. And one of these adverts included the image of a green apple. 


In class, we discussed the purpose of the green fruit in the context of the company that was looking to hire someone.


For me, this was an important – nay, life-changing – aha moment!


Because I realised:


This green apple was there to evoke specific associations in the reader!


Such as “Oh, this company is all about health, freshness, vitality, etc.”


This wasn’t just a pretty picture of an apple – it had a purpose. 

The purpose of influencing me – without me consciously realising it – to think of the advertiser in a certain way. 


(Ironically, I don’t even remember the company, but the apple made a lasting impression on me.)


Now, think about the endless stream of images (such as Instagram posts, advertising, film covers on your favourite streaming platform, etc.) you are exposed to every day.


Each and every single one of these images has an intent. 


Its sole purpose is to stir up emotions in you. The question is: what kind? 


Are they meant to empower or to manipulate you?


The same applies to words: words have tremendous power.


If anything has become clear over the last few years, it’s that both words and images have been used on a global scale in a very particular way: the way of fear. 


The way of keeping you, us, humanity scared. 


Which is a popular method to make you compliant with all sorts of stuff. Because, when you’re afraid, you’ll look for someone who’ll make you feel safe again.


And you’ll follow their lead.  

Just watch the news for about 5 minutes, and you’ll know what I mean. 


Just observe: 


What words and images are being used? 


And how do they make you feel? 


Or in the words of White Otter from my The Return of the White Animals oracle: 


“What is the motivation behind this way of presenting information? Is it love, or is it fear?


Anyone who truly has your well-being at heart will act from a place of love, not fear. 


Fear takes away your power, whereas love empowers you.”


If White Otter’s message resonates with you, and you’d like to invite her, her baby and a bunch of other White Animals into your life to help you navigate these challenging times we live in, order your copy of The Return of the White Animals oracle now (it would also make an excellent Christmas gift):





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